Terms and Conditions of Use

Official Company Website: www.stribor-oprema.hr



General Provisions
If you use this or any other Website, whose owner or main operator is Stribor Oprema d.o.o.®, you are required to accept these Terms and Conditions of Use. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions of Use, you are kindly requested to abstain from accessing our pages. Stribor Oprema d.o.o.® may at any time amend these Terms and Conditions of Use without any previous advice, and all such changes will be published on this Website. We suggest you to check our Terms of Use always before using this Website.

The entire contents of the Website www.stribor-oprema.hr are the ownership of the Stribor Oprema d.o.o.® company, and all rights are explicitly reserved by Stribor oprema d.o.o.® (Copyright® Stribor Oprema d.o.o.®). Stribor Oprema d.o.o.® fully retains all ownership rights of any type of the Website contents (textual, video and audio materials, database and program code).

Any violation of the a.m. rights, whether intentional or accidental, represents a breach of the Terms and Conditions of Use of the internet materials, and, as such, it is subject to legal action. Any contents, printed or downloaded from these sites may not be sold, licensed, transferred, copied or reproduced in whole or partially in any way and in any media to any natural or legal person without previous written consent by Stribor Oprema d.o.o.®, including any transfer by any way, storing in any data carriers, system or program, visual presentation in any form (format). Any requests for permission to use materials from this Website should be sent to: stribor.oprema@vu.t-com.hr.

Warranties and Liability
Stribor Oprema d.o.o.® will reasonably provide that any data and information published on this Website are accurate, up-to-date and reliable. User explicitly agrees to use this Website on his own responsibility. Stribor Oprema cannot guarantee that this Website will always be accessible and available, that it will not contain any errors or viruses or that data published on this Website will be accurate and reliable. Stribor Oprema d.o.o.® is not liable for any disadvantages, damages or violations (including, but not limited to, specific or consequential damage) that may be the consequence of using or of the inability to use any part of this Website or of anything else that has been published or added to this Website by any other users of this Website.

Privacy and Personal Data Protection
Stribor Oprema d.o.o.® respects the privacy of the users and visitors of this Website. Stribor Oprema d.o.o.® will make the data of the registration process and other data concerning the user neither available to the public nor given to the insight of third persons, unless such obligation has been ordered by law.

Final Provisions
Croatian law regulations are to be applied to these provisions and Terms and Conditions of Use. The user of this Website accepts the exclusive jurisdiction of Croatian courts.

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